Business owner by day, fiction writer by night
Disguised as the mild-mannered business owner of Vireo Creative and Play Sask Sports, Ashleigh’s first passion lies in the magic of fiction. Her first fiction novel was published in 2023, and she has been working as a professional journalist and copywriter since 2007, writing for local, regional, and national publications and organizations.

As seen on

Speaker and workshop leader
Ashleigh Mattern is an experienced and knowledgeable speaker and workshop leader with years of professional experience and a passion for sharing her experience. Her ability to engage and inspire her audience makes her an ideal choice for any speaking or teaching engagement.
Magicked Born
In a world hostile to magic, three young mages must find a way to destroy an evil force.
Ashleigh Mattern’s first book is a young adult fantasy novel that follows three young mages on an perilous journey filled with magic and monsters in a setting that is out of this world. For readers of Tamora Pierce and fans of the Final Fantasy video game series, buy your copy today and experience the epic adventure!
Signed author copies with a special bookmark are also available upon request for a cost of $35. Contact Ashleigh with your mailing details and for payment information.